Scribe’s Faction: December January Prompt



Title: Inedible

Authoress: NeKo Meow [Pusa Myaw]

Summary: Ryoutarou received an odd gift from someone this Valentine’s Day. “Tsuchiura-sempai, are you going to eat that?” “Probably not, Shimizu. Why ask?” “Good, it looks…” he paused. “Just be careful, Tsuchiura-sempai.”

Word Count: 1499 Words

Disclaimer: La Corda D’oro doesn’t belong to me.

January Prompt: Keys

January Prompt: Keys

Feedback, suggestions and comments are very welcome. (Individually)

Prompt: Key/s

Iris petals
—►Title : Connections
Summary: The true hidden feelings of Azuma Yunoki. The key to his inner self. What is friendship, family and friends to him? Is it just a key for his future or more than that.
Genre: Friendship/ Drama
Rating: T

Ishikawa Aya-hime
—►Title: Key to Way Out
Summary: Kahoko locked herself in a music room to avoid the ever so annoying Amou Nami, not even knowing that the person she avoided the most is practicing there – Len.
Genre: Romance/ Humor
Rating: T
Pairing: Len Tsukimori/ Kahoko Hino

NeKo Meow [Pusa Myaw]
—►Title: Oops
Summary: “Oops” is not a good term. “I have a bad feeling about that oops.”
Disclaimer: I do not own La Corda D’oro.
Genre: Romance
Rating: K+
Pairing: Ryoutarou Tsuchiura / Nami Amou

—►Title: Last Entry
Summary: Grandmama wrote: “Don’t fall in love with Len-kun.”
Genre: General/ Friendship
Rating: K
Pairing: Len Tsukimori/ Manami Mori


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